Become a Salee partner

Collaborate with the foremost AI-driven sales workspace and earn up to 20% commission while creating long-lasting value

Team & Agency Partner Benefits

Offer Salee to clients and enjoy exclusive discounts and commissions. Contact us for a discussion


Why Partner with Salee?

Boost and expand your business

Strengthen your offerings by integrating Salee's capabilities

Forge Long-Term Bonds

Our dedication to partners is unwavering. We support you with onboarding, training, and necessary resources for your success.

Unlock New Revenue Streams

Endorse Salee as a trusted partner and secure generous commissions.

Ideal Collaboration Opportunities


Affiliate Partnerships

Perfect for influencers, web publishers, and businesses looking to gain commissions by directing their network to Salee


Solution Providers

Tailored for consultancies and resellers eager to resell Salee and offer value-added consultancy, training, and setup services to clients


Startup Incubators

Ideal for entities assisting early-stage entrepreneurs, offering guidance, tools, and Salee discounts to startups within their network

Partnership Benefits:

✅ No cost to sign up. ✅ Unlimited commission potential. ✅ A vast collection of marketing materials at your disposal.

How to apply?

1️⃣ Register for our partner programs. 💰 Begin earning as soon as you're on board!

Keen to Forge a Partnership?

So are we!